An innovative collaboration sends out a strong message into the world, “Growth is dead, long live growth: The quality of economic growth and why it matters“. French Development Agency (AFD), Institute of Development Studies(IDS), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Research Institute organise a workshop and book launch on January 26 at the AFD headquarters in Paris.
“Speed is irrelevant if you are going in the wrong direction” – Gandhi.
The book questions whether the old type of growth that people believed in the 19th century is still relevant in the current era and onward. While economic growth has achieved certain success in improving people’s lives and reducing poverty, it is also true that there are emerging or remaining challenges. The post-2015 development agenda takes into consideration not only quantitaive growth of economy but also quality growth with jobs, inequality reduction, sustainable use of natural resources, climate change, resilience and safety nets against disasters and other shocks etc.
The book provides food-for-thought for the current development discussion. What are the dimensions of the quality of growth we should most care about? How do we measure the quality of growth? What are the tradeoffs in the context of different policy regimes and governance structures?
I am a member of this project and hope to share my paper here once the book is launched.
Book Overview
Growth is Dead, Long Live Growth: The quality of economic growth and why it matters
January 26, 2015
AFD Headquarters
- Anne Paugam, Director General, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
- Akihiko Tanaka, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Melissa Leach, Director, Institute for Development Studies (IDS)
- Lawrence Haddad, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Co-Chair of the Global Nutrition Report’s Independent Expert Group
- Laurence Tubiana, Ambassador for Climate Change and Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference
- Michel Aglietta, Advisor, Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales, CEPII
- Richard Bluhm, Assistant Professor, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Alexis Bonnel, Environment Advisor, Direction of Operations, AFD
- Jean-Pierre Cling, Senior Advisor, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Akio Hosono, Senior Research Fellow, JICA-Research Institute
- Hiroshi Kato, Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Bruno Losch, Economist, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, CIRAD
- Nicolas Meisel, Economist, AFD
- Andrés Mejia Acosta, Senior Lecturer, King’s College London