International Food Policy Institute (IFPRI) and Concern Worldwide hosted an online event “2014 Global Hunger Index Twitter Chat” on October 16, World Food Day. The event was open to everybody to discuss the latest Global Hunger Index 2014 and experts answered questions raised by the participants.
I also joined the event to exchange the below questions and answers.
Q. Should the way of combating hunger be different compared to the past?
A. For years we focused on energy levels & Kcal intake. Now greater emphasis is on nutrition & micronutrients (by Connell Foley).
Q. Any correlation between countries with good social protection financing and GHI?
A. Interesting to note that Mexico & Brazil, famous for conditional cash transfers score low on hunger in GHI2014 (by Connell Foley).
Q. Is hunger an important issue in urban as well as rural?
A. Yes. Most people in Sub-Saharan Africa living in urban areas so definitely an issue. In fact slightly hidden (by Connell Foley).
Connell Foley, Director of Strategy at Concern Worldwide
Purnima Menon, Senior Research Fellow in the Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division, IFPRI
Rafaël Schneider, Deputy Director Policy and External Relations, Welthungerhilfe
Doris Wiesmann, Independent Consultant
Global Hunger Index 2014 (by Ippei Tsuruga, 15 October 2014)